Film Director / Art Director / CG Dseigner
YUKARI is a talented creator of advertising images for fashion brands, music videos, CD jackets, and promotional photos for artists in Japan and abroad.
She was born in Shanghai, China and spent her childhood in a culture that was a mix of British and Asian. After coming to Japan to study abroad, she began her career as a video director. Currently, she is further broadening her works to include direction and creation in the graphic field.
Her creations are characterized by contradictions that include softness and strength, and she has created key visuals for many brands, including global collections for DIESEL and H&M, and Japanese campaigns for EMPORIO ARMANI and PUMA.
She has also worked on graphic and video direction projects in a wide range of fields, including promotional photo and CD jacket design for the song "Actually" by Nogizaka46, overall direction of tour DVD jacket and related goods for K-pop idol NCT127, which has 15 million followers, and visual director for Saucy Dog's music video "Shion".
「柔らかくも強い、矛盾性のあるビジュアル表現」を特徴とし、DIESELやH&Mのグローバルコレクション、EMPORIO ARMANIやPUMAのジャパンキャンペーンなど、ファッションブランドビジュアルを多数生み出している。
また、 乃木坂46「Actually...」アー写・ジャケット制作、韓国ボーイズグループNCT127のツアービジュアルのトータルディレクション、幾田りら(「蒲公英」(NHKドラマ『大奥』主題歌)・Saucy Dog「紫苑」(映画『君を愛したひとりの僕へ』主題歌) の監督など、ファッション・音楽・カルチャー分野で数々のグラフィック・ムービーディレクションを手がけている。